Marcel - Oil on canvas, 2013. 104cm x 70cm M

Cela ne Marcel Duchamp fumait un cigare
I found an old paint roller tray, lined with thick, dried white emulsion. With careful manipulation I was able to extract the desiccated paint and reveal a near perfect impression of the tray. The clean white form reminded me of the clean white ceramic urinals used by Duchamp to (ahem) take the piss.
With the centenary of Marcels' triumphant submission of Fountain rapidly approaching this otherwise useless object continued to tug upon my mind until I resolved to include it into a small exhibition of artworks. Was it not, after all, made of paint? Was it not a true ready made "painting" ?
Signed 'M. Rutt 2014', presented in a garish, swept frame sprayed black and lit from within by a tri-coloured light bulb, the relief work illuminated a dark corner of the gallery. The painting pictured (above) was created as a supporting visual celebration of Marcel Duchamp and his ready mades. This was exhibited next to the paint tray.

The owners of the space proved to be unable to understand the piece and destroyed it. Marcel however, lives on..